@(i) ##Bulletin of Tibetology Vol. V No.2 29 JULY 1968 NAMGYAL INSTITUTE OF TIBETOLOGY GANGTOK, SIKKIM @(ii) -The Bulletin of Tibetology seeks to serve the specialist as well as the general reader with an interest in this field of study. The motif portraying the Stupa on the mountains suggests the dimensions of the field- EDITORS GYALMO HOPE NAMGYAL T. SHERAB GYALTSHEN NIRMAL C. SINHA @001 Bulletin of Tibetology Vol.V No. 2 29 JULY 1968 NAMGYAL INSTITUTE OF TIBETOLOGY GANGTOK, SIKKIM @002 29 JULY 1968 PRINTED BY THE MANAGER, SIKKIM DARBAR PRESS AND PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR, NAMGYAL INSTITUTE OF TIBETOLOGY, GANGTOK @003 CONTENTS Page NAGARJUNA’S EXPOSITION OF CAUSAL LINKS 5 N. A. SASTRI THE SKYABS-MGON 29 NIRMAL C. SINHA @004 CONTRIBUTORS IN THIS ISSUE- N. AIYASWAMI SASTRI Formerly Adhyapaka in Visvabharati; lead- ing scholar on Mahayana literature and author of publications on Tibetan and Chinese translations and commentaries. NIRMAL C. SINHA Director : Namgyal Institute of Tibetology ; formerly teacher of history, University of Calcutta and editor, National Archives of India. Views expressed in the Bulletin of Tibetology are those of the con- tributors alone and not of the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology. An article represents the private individual views of the author and does not reflect those of any office or institution with which the author may be associated. @005 NAGARJUNA’S EXPOSITION OF TWELVE CAUSAL LINKS -N. AIYASWAMI SASTRI Introductory The Pratitya-Samutpada-Hrdaya-KarikA# pratItyasamutpAdahRdayakArikA ##along with its comment is one of the several treatises composed by Acarya Nagarjuna, the founder of the Madhyamaka school of Buddhism. His authorship of this short tract has been attested more than once by Candrakirti (v.## prasannapadA, ##pp. 428, 551) and Prajnakaramati (v. Panjika, pp. 355, 350). Its composition in a catechetical from further confirms its antiquity. The text consists of originally 5 verses in Arya metre and two Anustubh verses in its Chinese and Tibetan versions. Of his several metrical compositions we have only two texts in Arya metre, viz. the present text and the## vigrahavyAvartanI ##The explanatory portion of this text is also fathered upon Nagarjuna by the Chinese and Tibetan translators. This fact does not appear improbable when we consider the statement made by Chandrakirti :## vigrahavyAvartanyA vRttiM kurvatA’pyAcAryeNa prayogavAkyAnabhidhAnAt | ##“Acarya (Nagarjuna) while composing a short comment on the## vigrahavyAvartanI ##does not employ any prayoga, a sentence embodying any logical proposition”## prasannapadA ##p. 251.6.). This confirms the fact the author could be credited also with some prose compositions. Of such compositions the Maha-pra jnaparamita-SastrA# mahAprajJApAramitAzAstra ##preserved in its Chinese translation ranks the foremost (v. Prof. Et. Lamotte’s French Translation with copious annotations; the first two volumes published so far). We may next notice a small tract both in verse and prose viz##., dvAdazamukhazAstra ##also preserved in Chinese translation (v. the present writer’s rendering it into Sanskrit in the Visvabharati Annals. Vol VI) claiming him as its author ; a claim which has fairly been justified by Chi-tsang (v. my Introductory Note, op. cit). The same Chinese authority attributes to Cheng-mU# piGgalAkSa ##the prose portion of the Madhyamaka Sastra. Thus the authorship of the commentary known as Akutobhaya as attributed to Naga by the Tibetan authorities becomes uncertain. Of his metrical compositions the most important is 1) the Madhyamaka Sastra; it has been meritoriously edited by Prof. Luis de Valle Poussin. 2) The Vigrahavyayrtani with its comment has been discovered and published by Rahul Sankrityayana (Bihar Research Society, 1950). 3) The Ratnavali and 4) the Catustava have been edited in part by Dr. G. Tucci. 5) The Yuktisastikarika, 6) Sunyata-Saptati and 7) Suhrlleka @006 are not available to us in their original Sanskrit. Nos. 5 and 7 are translated by Schacffer and H. Wenzal respectively. (v. my Bibliogra- phy in the Sal. sutra). No. 6 is known only in quotations, V. Dvadasamu- kha, p. 24. a verse pleading for a fundamental tenet of the author, viz##. ajAtivAda ##non-origination-theory. Two verses are cited from the text in Bodhicarpan :- 1.The ideas of “I” and “mine” are expressed by the Buddha for some purpose. Likewise skandhas, ayatanas and dhatus are all stated (p. 376). 2. What comes into being due to causes does not exist p. 500; the same in Madh. vrtti. p.413. 3. One more line from Yukti is found in Madh. vrtti. p.9 : What is produced on account of such and such causes originates not in its nature. This cited in full in the Madh.avat.p.288. To draw paralles to the ideas of Madh-Sastra Candrakirti cites more frequently verses from the Ratnavali (R. hereafter). Since they bear out true marks of Nagarjuna’s way of thinking we may acquaint ourselves with their gist on this occasion : 1.To the idea of the Sutra : Those who view things as existent and those who do so as non-existent, both of them do not per- ceive the quietude## ziva ##of things-(M. Sastra V, 8) R. has : the heterodox reaches the hell and the orthodox the heaven; but the man situated in Non-dualism## advaya ##reaches Release, Moksa, because of his realizing the truth## yathAbhUta ##v. M.Vr. p. 135. 2.The action and its agent are ridiculed in M. Sastra VIII, II; R. does the same in 3 verses : The world resembles a mirage; it is an illusion to consider it existent or non-existent and a man of illusion gets not released. Something is postulated as a result of ignorance; later, at a close scrutiny one cannot secure its existence; then how can there be its non-existence ? (p. 188). 3.Non-dualism## advaya ##is possible only in Madhyamaka System (XV.II); R. confirms the same in 2 verses; Approach anyone of the Sankhya, Vaisesika, Nirgrantha, or the advocate of Pudgala or Skandhas, and see whether they say anything beyond the existence or non-existence; therefore understand that the Buddha’s dispensation alone is too deep and goes beyond the existence or non-existence (p. 275). @007 4.The negation of soul intended even in the empirical plan## samvRtyA ## in XVIII, 1. is echoed in R. 4 vv. One’s own image is reflected in the mirror, but the image cannot be stated to be either the same with or different from the face; likewise the notion of “I” arises on the basis of aggregates## skandha, ##but it is not identical with the later. The reflection of one’s image does not arise in the absence of mirror; likewise the‘I’ notion is not in the absence of the aggregates. Listening to this characteristic Dharma venerable Ananda obtained Dharma- Eye; this fact he himself declared to his fellow monks now and then (p. 345). 5.Candrakirti says : In the wake of realizing the Soul-non-subs- tantiality## AtmanairAtmya ##non-substantiality of things pertaining to the soul## AtmIyanairAtmya ##is also realized. The same is confirmed in R.-2 vv. The aggregates are born from the I-notion## ahaMkAra ##which is false in truth; one who thinks the seed as false, how could its sprout be true for him? In the wake of the aggregate being viewed as false the I-notion is extinguished ; at the extinction of I-notion the aggretgate arise no longer (p.346). They are cited again on page 458 to confirm the idea of auspicious or inauspicious is false as it is based on the false background## mithyAzraya 6.The fact that Buddha preached neither Soul nor non-Soul (XVIII- 6) is corroborated in R. 2 vv :- Neither soul nor non-soul is asserted in truth. The great sage shunned from us the two views caused by the soul and non-soul. He declared what is seen and what is heard are neither true nor false. If there is a thesis, then there will be an antithesis; so both are not admis- sible in fact (p. 359). 7.Again 3 vv. from R. to show that the Buddha preached differently to different pupils. A grammarian would teach even the al- phabet; likewise the Buddha preached his pupils## (vineya) ##dharma according to their capacities. He preached to some the law in order to deter them from wrong deeds, to some a dualis- tic law in order to increase merits, to some a deep non-dualis- tic law which intimidates the timid person, and to some the Bodhi- factor embodied in yiodness and compassion##, zun#nyatA karuNa-garbh (p.359-60) 8.The object like the blue, etc##, (nIlAdi) ##are non-existent even in the empirical plane. The same is in R. : Ether is only a nominal because of its being devoid of colour##, rUpa ##In the absence of the great elements where is the colour##, rUp ? ##(p.413).## @008 9.##Voidness##, zUnyatA, ##being grasped as either an entity or a non- entity destroys the aspirer. So also says R.-When the preacher ill-conceives the voidness, as a result of this, the listener, the ignorant, becomes spoilt and falls downward in the## avIci ##hell (p.496). 10.As to Nagarjuna’s conception of Nirvana R. says-When Nirvana is not a non-entity, how can it be an entity ? What is Nirvana is an end of both entity and non-entity (p.524). Candrakirti has made only 4 citations from the Catustava :- 1.The world resembles an echo, and is neither identified with nor different from its cause. You (Buddha) have compre- hended what is beyond continuity and discontinuity. (p.215, Catus.I. 13). 2.Heretics consider the misery created either by self, other or both or causeless; but you have preached it as dependently originated (p.55-Catus.II, 19). 3.You have stated : In case a definition is different from the defined, the latter would be devoid of the former; in case they are identical, they would become non-entity (p.64-C.II, 11) 4. Things that are produced from the causes are non-existent as the latter itself is a non-entity. Is it not plain then that they are similar to reflections ? (p.413 = C.II, 4 Bodh.p.583). The Catustava is more favourite with Prajnakaramati who refers to it more frequently on the following subjects :- 1.Teaching of voidness-nector is for removal of all wrong con- ceptions## saGkalpa ##pp.359-415 = C.II.21). 2.Surpreme truth falls not within the cognizance of senses (p. 365 = C.III. 18). 3. Voidness is nothing but dependent origination (p.417 = C.II.20). 4. The action and its agent are (admissible) in the worldly talk ; there is neither agent nor enjoyer in truth. Merit and demerits are dependently produced , and hence unborn (p.476 = C.II.8-9) @009 5.Buddha has no Sattva-idea (in himself) but has it towards the down-trodden due to compassion (p.489 = C.I.8) 6. Things are desireless, non-substantial, dependently originated and void. (p.489 = C.II.22). 7. Things are beginningless and endless; hence## AdizAnta ##calm from the outset (p.528 = C.III.27). 8. Dependent origination## = zUnyatA = saddharma = tathAgata ##(p.528 = C.II.20, III.28)##. 9. tattva = paramArtha = tathatA = bhUta; ##Buddha is because of realizing this (p. 528 = C.III.39).## 10. Origination is similar to magic. The world is caused by a constructive thought## parikalpa; ##hence no beginning and no end. Neither permanent thing transmigrates nor impermanent thing. So transmigration resembles a dream (p.533 = C.II, 16-18). 11. The world is born, stays and perishes : all these are mere imaginations (p. 573 = C.III, 34). 12. The same as No. 4 of M. Vrtti above stated (p.583 = C.II.4). 13. Things come into being neither as existent nor non-existent, and neither by themselves nor by others (p.587 = C.III.9). 14. Buddha is## sattvadhAtu ##hence no difference between Him and others (p.590 = C.III, 40). There are some citations of unspecified source made under the heads of AcaryapadA# AcAryapAda ##resembling Nagarjuna's ideas :- 1.Something being present some other thing is (conceived) to exist (as its relative) e.g. the idea of short and long. (M.Vrtti.p.10). 2.Mirage appears like water; but it is not so in fact. Likewise five aggregates appear as the Soul ; but they are not so in truth (M.V.op.347, 3 verses). 3.Release is (secured) because of voidness-vision## zUnyatA- dRSTi; ##for this purpose the contemplation of everything as void (Bodh.p.438). @010 4.The whole theory of causation (operates) in the empirical plane (Bodh.p.475). THE PRESENT TEXT The ideas that are expounded in the above citations are all unique characteristics of Nagarjuna’s philosophy of thinking and they are quite in agreement with the ideas expressed in the short tract. Hence Nagarjuna’s authorship of this text cannot be doubted as it has been further attested by Candrakirti and Prajnakaramati. However, the two anustubh verses at the end of the text as well as the comment do not appear to be of Nagarjuna’s origin, and are quite affirmative in their contents. The first verse affirms that to negate an absolute subtle entity (i.e a nihilistic view) is to misapprehend the import of import Dependent Origina- tion-probably a Yogacara’s affirmation. I could not trace its original Sans- krit anywhere. The second instructs that the vision of things as they are## yathAbhUta-darzana ##leads to Release. It is Asvaghosa who propounded this idea as a part of his exposition of the Buddha’s teachings in his Saundarananda, XIII, 44, 51## : nApaneyamata: kiJcit prakSepyaM nApi kiJcana | draSTavyaM bhUtato bhUtaM yAdRzaJca yathA ca yat || abhUtaparikalpena viSayasya hi vadhyate | tameva viSayaM pazyan bhUtata: parimucyate | ##The ideas of these stanzas are made into one in the Ratnagotra- vibhaga thus## : nApaneyamata: kiJcidupaneyaM na kiJcana | draSTavyaM bhUtato bhUtaM bhUtadarzI vimucyate || ##I, 154, p.76.## ##It is again cited in the## caryAgItikozaTIkA ##p.32 with this difference## prakSeptavyaM na kiJcana | ##as though it is from the Madh. Sastra. It is not, therefore, unlikely that the last two verses of the text were added by a later writer who was perhaps inclined towards the yogacara standpoint. The vision of## yathAbhUta ##as a factor of Release is also acceptable to Nagarjuna (v.R. cited above No.1) though its import may be different for him. The purpose of this composition is, according to the intro- ductory remark made at the outset of the comment, to expound in brief the twelve causal links preached by the Master to an intelligent disciple who approaches Nagarjuna with a request to that effect. He asks : How are the twelve links grouped ? The author replies : They are grouped into three categories : 1) Defilement, 2) Action and 3) Suffering. @011 The first-category consists of the causal links Nos. 1,8 and 9 = ignorance, thirst and clinging respectively. The second is formed of Nos. 2 and 10 = formation and becoming; the other links are included in the third category. From the first category arises second and from the latter the third arises. The disciple asks : Who is the over lord above all and what is his function towards them ? The author replies : The Universe is and interplay of series of causes and effects and there is no overlord of any kind. Question : Who is then that travels from this world to the next one. Reply : There does not exist even a subtle particle that travels from this world to the next one. Nevertheless the void things are produced from the void things. From the five causes, i.e. defilement and action which are void, i.e. devoid of the soul and anything pertaining to the soul are produced seven results, i.e. Suffering that are void, etc. The follow- ing examples are cited to make the point clear : Mouth-to-Mouth preaching## svAdhyAya, ##lamp, seal, mirror, sound, sun-stone and seed, etc. It is argued that the if what is uttered by the teacher reaches the pupil, then the passage uttered by the teacher would be devoid of the latter. The passage uttered by the pupil does not come from any other source because the other source cannot be its cause. It could hardly be possible to determine whether the passage uttered by the pupil and the passage uttered by the teacher are identical or different. Like- wise the rebirth-mind of the future life is produced on the basis of the death-moment-mind and the former cannot be said to be either identical with or different from the latter. Other examples : light is produced from the other light; reflec- tion appears on the mirror from the face, an impression of the seal is brought out from the seal; the fire is kindled from the sun-stone; from the seed are produced sprout, fruit etc.; the sour fruit produces saliva in the mouth, and the sound produces an echo. All these effects are neither identical with nor different from their causes. Likewise the wise should understand that there is continuity of five aggregates## pratisandhi; ##nevertheless there is no transmigration## asaGkama. ##Though the five aggregates appear in continuity as a result of their mutual relationship, there does not exist even a subtle particle moving from this world to the next. This theory of## asaGkama ##is common to all schools of Buddhism (v. my. Introduction XII, ff, to## bhAvasaGkAntisUtra) ##with the exception, perhaps of Sammitiyas. The author finally explains how one realises the ultimate release. He should not view pervertedly an impermanent thing as permanent, an upleasant thing as pleasant and a soulless thing as soul-endowed one. @012 When he gets rid of such perverted views, he will have no more a desire for them. In the absence of desire no hate arises; in the absence of hate no action is undertaken; in the absence of action he does not cling to anything; in the absence of clinging he manifests no becoming and in the absence of becoming he does not suffer a rebirth. Thus a new fruit in the form of body and mind is stopped for ever; that is to be iunderstood as the ultimate release. The wise should, therefore, shun all the wrong views : Eternalism, Nilhilism and others. Thus, though the treatise is very short, the author has well elucidated in it the creed of the Buddhist doctrine under two heads : I) The universe is nothing but an interplay of causes and effects- a scientifically tenable approach; and there is no Super-human presiding over the destiny of mankind which is, on the other hand, governed by its own law of action. 2) Release##, mokSa, ##is a freedom from ever-rotating wheel of life and death and it is perhaps something like merging of individuality into an impersonal and undivided whole. We should not miss here to take note of the author’s eloquent exposi- tion of Nirvana in his SastrA# : ya AjavaMjavIbhAva upAdAya pratItya vA | so’pratItyAnupAdAya nirvANamupadizyate || ##XXV,9. (attributed to Tathagatas by Candrakirti) The Substance of the utterance may be this : Life and death of elements are conditioned or activated that is the world, samsara. The same elements become unconditioned or inactivated, i.e. brought to a dead stop## apravRttimAtram ##that is preached as Nirvana. It may be clear now that this conception of Nirvana does not in the least touch the fringe of Nihilism. The Arya verses of this text and its commentary upto 3rd verse are adopted from Dr.V.V. Gokhale’s paper published in Studia Indologica, 1955, pp.10-106. Luis de Vallee Poussin first translated into French the text## kArikA ##in his Theories des Douze causes. p. 122-24. An English translation of the whole text from its Chinese version has also been published by me in 1940. The Tibetan texts that are published here are copied from Tanjur, Mdo, gi.f.206,4 ff, and collated with the same texts in Mdo. thsa, f. 166, ff. nothing their important differences in a separate page.## @013 pratItyasamutpAdahRdayakArikA nAgArjunakRtA dvAdaza ye’GgavizeSA muninoddiSTA: pratItyasambhUtA: | te klezakarmadu:kheSu saGgRhItAstriSu yathAvat ||1|| AdyASTamanavamA: syu: klezA: karma dvitIyadazamau ca | zeSA: sapta ca du:khaM lisaGgrahA dvAdaza tu dharmA: ||2|| tribhyo bhavati dvandvaM dvandvAtprabhavanti sapta saptabhya: | traya udbhavanti bhUyastadeva [tu] bhramati bhavacakram ||3|| hetuphalaJca [hi] sarvaM jagadanyo nAsti kazcidiha sattva: | zUnyebhya eva zUnyA dharmA: prabhavanti dharmebhya: ||4|| svAdhyAyadIpamudrAdarpaNaghoSArkakAntabIjAmlai: | skandhapratisandhirasaGkarmazca vidvadbhiravadhAryau ||5|| ya ucchedaM prakalpayatyatisUkSme’pi vastuni | pratItyasambhavasyArthamavijJa: sa na pazyati ||6|| nApaneyamata: kiJcit prakSepyaM nApi kiJcana | draSTavyaM bhUtato bhUtaM bhUtadarzI vimucyate ||7|| pratItyasamutpAdahRdayakArikA AcAryanAgArjunakRtA samAptA | @014 pratItyasamutpAdahRdayavyAkhyAnam AcAryanAgArjunakRtama iha kazcit zuzrUSamANa: zramaNa: zravaNa(1)dhAraNohApohazaktisampanna: ziSya AcAryasya pAda [mUla] mAgamya tathAgatazAsanamArabhya evaM pRSTavAn-bhagavan atra dvAdaza ye’GgavizeSA muninoddiSTA: pratItyasambhUtA: | kva teSAM saGgraha(2) iti zrotumi(3)cchAmi | iti | tasya teSAM dharmANAM tattvavu(4)bhutsAmavetya AcArya idamuktavAn te klezakarmadu:kheSu saGgRhItAstriSu [yathAvan] ||1|| tatra daza ca dvau ca dvAdaza | aGgAnyeva vizeSA aGgavizeSA: | rathAGgavadaGgabhAva ukta: | kAyavAGgamanomau(5)nAnmuni: | tena muninoddiSTA: kathitA: parkAzitA iti paryAyA: | te ca na (6)prakRti-niyati-puruSa-parAdhIna-karma-Izvara-kAla-svabhAva-yathecchA-prajApati- yadRcchAdikAraNaprasUtA: | kiM tarhi pratItyasambhUtA: | te dvAdazAGgavizeSA: klezakarmadu:khA anyonyaM pratItya (7)naDakalApayogena triSu yathAvat saMkSiptA: | (8)yathAvaditi azeSeNetyartha: ||1|| pRcchati | ke punaste klezA: | kiM karma | kiM du:kham yeSu ime pratyayavizeSA: saGgrahaM gacchanti | Aha- AdyASTamanavamA: syu: klezA: | dvAdazAGgavizeSANAM [madhya] AdyA avidyA, aSTamI tRSNA, navamamupAdAnam ime traya: klezasaGgRhItA: pratyavagantavyA: | kiM karma | karma dvitIyadazamau ca | saMskAro dvitIya: bhavo dazama: | [imA] dvau dharmau karmas aGgRhAtau veditavyau | zeSA: sapta ca du:kham karmaklezasaGgRhItAnA [maGga] vizeSANAM ye zeSA [aGga] vizeSA: sapta ca te du:kha [saGgRhItA] veditavyA: | tadyathA vijJAnaM nAmarUpaM SaDAyatanaM sparzo @015 vedanA jAtijarAmaraNam | ca zabda: priyaviyogApriyasaMyogeSTavi (9)ghAtadu:khAni saJcinoti | trisaGgraham# dvAdaza tu dharmA: ||2|| ata ete dvAdaza dharmA: karmaklezadu:khA[khyA]veditavyA: | [anyUnA] dhika- jJApanA(10)rthastu zabda: | etAvanta eveme sUtrAntanirdiSTA nAta:paramastIti parigaNitam ||2|| pRcchati | klezakarmadu:khAnA [meSAM] kuta: kimutpadyata iti vyAkhyAtuM prArthaye | Aha | tribhyA bhavati dvandvam klezAkhyebhyastribhya: karmAkhyaM dvandvamutpadyate | dvandvAtprabhavanti sapta du:khAkhyA: pUrvanirdiSTA: | saptabhya: | traya udbhavanti klezAkhyA: | tebhyastribhya: klezebhyazca dvandvamutpadyate | bhUyastadeva tu bhramati bhavacakram ||3|| bhavA: kAmarUpArUpya[saMzabditA: | [te ca] ana(11) vasthAnAccakrabhUtA: | teSu pRthagjano loka eva paribhramati | tuzabdazca aniyatajJApanArtha: | yathA cakramanupUrvyA paribhramati | na tathA triSu bhaveSUtpatti: | [kiM tarhi] niyamo nAstIti jJApayati ||3|| pRcchati | atha sarvadehezvara:(12) satvAkhya: (13)kartA | teSu tasya kriyA kIdRzI | Aha | hetuphalaJca hi jagat prajJaptiM vihAya anyo nAsti kazcidiha satva: | paramArthata: kalpita: | kalpitazca nAsti | kalpitamAtraviSaye (kAma) iSTadravyaM sat na yujyate | pRcchati | yadyenvam, tarhi asmAllokAt ka: paralokaM saGkrAmati| Aha | asmAllokAtparalokaM sUkSmo’Nurapi na saGkrAmati | atha ca @016 zUnyebhya eva zUnyA dharmA: prabhavanti dharmebhya: ||4|| AtmAtmIyarahitebhyo dharmebhya: klezakarmAkhyebhya: paJcahetubhya: zUnyebhya AtmA- tmIyarahitA du:khatayA kathitA: phalakalpitA: zUnyA: sapta dharmA: prabhavantItyartha: | tadyathA AtmAtmIyarahitAste nAnyonyaM punarAtmIyA: | atha ca svabhAvato’nAtma- dharmebhya: svabhAvato’nAtmadharmA: prabhavanti | evamavagatantavyamiti jJApitam ||4|| atra svabhAvato’nAtmadharmebhya eva svabhAvato’nAtmadharmA: prabhavanti ityatra ko dRSTAnta: | atrocyate- svA(14)dhyAyadIpamudrAdarpaNaghoSArkakAntabIjAmla: | ebhyo dRSTAntebhya: kalpitebhyo’pi svabhAvato’nAtmanazca paralokasiddhivaditavyA | tadyathA-gurumukhAduccaritA yadi ziSyaM saGkrAmanti | guruNoccaritAstadvirAhatA api syuriti na saGkrAmanti | ziSyeNa proktamapi nAnyato’sti | ahetubhUtatvAt | yathA gurumukhAduccaritA: tathA maraNAMzikacittamapi | zAzvata [Akhya] doSa: syAt paraloke na saGkarma: | paraloko’pi nAnyato bhavati | ahetudoSasattvAt | yathA guruNoccAritaheto: ziSyeNo [ccArita:] sa eva anyo vA iti na nirNetuM zakyate | tathA maraNacittaM pratItya (15)aupapattyaMzikaM cittamapi tadeva tAto’nyadvA iti na vaktuM zakyate | tathA | yathA pradIpAtpradIpa:, mukhAt darpaNe pratibimbamutpadyate | mudrAta: pratimudrotpadyate | arkakAntAdagni: bIjAdaGgakuraphalAni(16)amlarasAt rasavatpuna:, zabdAtpratizrutkazcotpadyate | te ca ta eva vA tato’nye vA iti na jJAtuM zakyate | tathA skandhaprati(17)sandhirasaGkarmazca vidvadbhiravadhAryau ||5|| tatra paJcaskandhA rUpavedanAsaMjJAsaMskAravijJAnAkhyA: skandhA: | teSAM pratisandyi- rniSiddha: | hetorhi phalamanyadutpadyate | asmAt lokAtparalokaM na ko’pi bhAva: sUkSmo’pi saGkrAmati | eva cakrabhramaNaM bhrAntivikalpavAsanayA samutpadyate | anta iti tu viparyaya: | tato nivartayitavyam | anityadu:khazUnyAnAtmabhAvAn na nityabhAvAn vyAmuhyAt | asati vyAmohe na rAga: | asati rAge na dveSa: | asati dveSe na karmaM karoti | asati karmaNi nopAdIyate bhAva: | asatyupAdAne na bhavamabhisaMskaroti | asati bhave na jAti: | asatyAM jAtau na kAyacittayordu:khaM bhavet | evamacintyAt taddhetupaJcakAnnAnyatphala- mutpadyate | ayaM mokSo veditavya: | evaM zAzvatocchedAdidurdRSTayo’panItA bhavanti ||5|| @017 atra dvau zlokau bhavata:- ya(18) ucchedaM prakalpayatyatisUkSme’pi vastuni | pratItyasambhavasyArthamavijJa: san a pazyati ||6|| nApaneyamata: kiJcitprakSepyaM nApi kiJcana | bhUtaJca bhUtato dRSTvA bhUtadarzI virmucyate ||7|| AcAryanAgArjunakRtaM pratItyasamutpAdahRdaya- vyAkhyAnaM samAptam | @018 to @027 [##Tibet Text##] @028 ##AN ART BOOK FROM NAMGYAL INSTITUTE OF TIBETOLOGY RGYAN-DRUG MCHOG-GNYIS (Six Ornaments and Two Excel- lents) reproduces ancient scrolls (1670 A.C.) depicting Buddha, Nagar- juna, Aryadeva, Asanga, Vasubandhu, Dinnaga, Dharmakirti, Gunapra- bha, and Sakyaprabha; reproductions are as per originals today after- 300 years of display and worship with no attempt at restoration or retouching. The exposition in English presents the iconographical niceties and the theme of the paintings, namely, the Mahayana philoso- phy; the treatment is designed to meet also the needs of the general reader with an interest in Trans-Himalayan art or Mahayana. A glossary in Sanskrit-Tibetan, a key to place names and a note on source material are appended. Illustrated with five colour plates and thirteen mono- chromes. April 1962. @029 THE SKYABS-MGON -NIRMAL C. SINHA I The incarnation of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is universally known as Dalai Lama. The title Dalai Lama (tale bla-ma) is of Mongol origin meaning “vast as the ocean”, The Manchu Emperor used this form; the Western envoys to the Manchu court got this usage from the Chinese while the Russians got this direct from the Mongols, Buriats and Kalmuks. In Tibet (and Tibetan speaking countries) the Dalai Lama is variously called Gyalwa Rimpoche (rgyal-ba rin-poche, that is, jina- ratna or precious conqueror), Kundun (kun-hdus, that is, omnipresence), Gong-sa (one on the highest Bhumi, that is, sovereign), Kyamgon Rim- poche (skyabs-mgon rin-poche, that is, precious lord of refuge) or Kyam- gon Buk (skyabs-mgon sbug or inmost lord of refuge). The last, that is, Kyamgon appears to be the official designation or lawful title used in State-papers; other titles could be added in official correspondence etc. British official reports about Tibet during the rule of Dalai Lama XIII speak of two titles, Kyamgon and Gyalwa Rimpoche (1), Charles Bell in enumerating the titles(2) gave priority to “The Precious Protector” (Kyamgon Rimpoche). The English text of the first Tibetan memoran- dum to the Simla Conference (10 October 1913) described the Dalai Lama as Precious Protector or Protector (3) In the famous petition (1932) to the Dalai Lama XIII praying for his long life Tibetans addressed him as Kyamgon(4). The present Dalai Lama, that is. Dalai Lama XIV uses the title Kyamgon with prefix Gongsa in the Tibetan text of the Constitution promulgated on 10 March 1963(5). All dates are in Christian era. Diacritical marks are not used. Passages in Sanskrit and Tibetan appended in the Notes are in respective scripts. Pronunciation of Tibetan words as in Central dialect. @030 The terms Lama (bla-ma Skt. guru), Chang-chub-sempa (byang-chub-sems-dpah Skt. bodhisattva). Chen-re-sik (spyan-ras- gzigs Skt. avalokitesvara) and Kyamgon (skyabs-mgon Skt. not known) are discussed in this paper, the second in the series ‘Prolegomena to Lama- ist Polity’. As in the previous paper the bearing of doctrinal terms on secular life is studied. II “Previous to the Lama even the name of the Buddha did not exist” (6). The spirit enshrined in this Tibetan adage was neither un-Buddhist nor un-Indian; though it might have been equally true of pre-Buddhist Tibetan norm (Bon : Shaman) in which the priest wielded considerable power. In India the veneration for the preceptor/teacher/master is traceable to the Vedic age; in early Vedic times the word Acharya was more popular while later the word Guru; the word Sasta was also current before the Buddha. The indispensability of teacher is admitted in the Upanishads. The etymological meaning of the term Upanishad is “sitting down near”, that is, sitting down near the teacher. There is an element of esoteric in the Upanishad as there is a process of dialectic therein. Both presume a teacher. This need is so obvious that there may be no need to use the word for teacher even. As in the most famous exhortation for “seeking the best teacher”, the actual expression is “seeking the best”, Katha I, 3:14. Mundaka I, 2:12 advises search for a Guru who is learned in the scriptures and has realized the Absolute. In Taittiriya, I, II:2 the pupil on graduation is enjoined to be one to whom the Acharya is the Deva. The concluding verse of Svetasvatara declares that the highest mystery of the Vedanta reveals to the high souled seeker who has the highest devotion for the Deva and for his Guru as for Deva(7). Katha and Tattiriya are admittedly pre-Buddhistic. Mundaka is a post- Buddha work. The Svetasvatara, according to Nalinaksha Dutta, “is no doubt pre-Buddhistic and very likely formed the basis of the teach- ings of Alara Kalama and Rudraka Ramaputra, the spiritual teachers of Siddhartha Gautama”(8). Brihad-devata, a compendium of the deities and myths of the Rig Veda-composed acc. to Arthur Macdonell after 500 B. C. but in style and diction a Vedic workmanship acc. to the same authority-uses both the terms Acharya and Guru and sometimes synonymously(9). Guru is @031 however an omnibus word connoting any superior while Acharya, unless repugnant to the context, is an intellectual superor like the teacher. It is not relevant to present here the fine distinctions or descriptive classfications of Smriti (like Manu) or Dharmasutra (like Apastamba or Gautama) (10). It is however necessary to notice the steady rise of the priest (Purohita : Brahmana) as a superior (Guru) from early Vedic times. The Purohita was the indispensable authority at the consecration of the king. Horizontal crystallization of society into Varna with Brahmana on the top set the protocol between the priest and the king. Even though the colourful picture of the sacerdotal authority electing the temporal power as drawn by Jayaswal and Coomaraswamy cannot be so faithful to facts (11), the legend of Brahmana as the source of Kshatra was the reflex of social consensus. While the Brihadaranyaka description of the Brahmana as “the womb out of which the Kshatra issued” (12) was no doubt metaphorical, the Purohita of the Vedic consecration was the matrix for the Rajaguru in medieval Hindu Rashtra. Be it for intellectual or spiritual objective the first stage in stri- ving was to attach oneself to a teacher. It is significant that after renun- citation Prince Siddhartha did not immediately make for a retreat in the mountains or forests; he sought teachers and became disciple of Alara Kalama and Rudraka Ramaputra successively. He no doubt rejected their doctrines (13) and through different disciplines and processes forged his own way to Enlightenment. As at the beginning of his quest the Buddha sought teachers so at its end he sought disciples and, before he began his missionary life, converted his quondam associates, the five Brahmana ascetics. “There was no Acharya equal to him” (14) and for nearly half a century he was “the Sasta of all mortals and gods” (15). Sasta like Guru is an omnibus word and would mean ruler (sasana karta/raja) and parent (pita) as well as a teacher versed in the Sastras. Sasta became the epi- thet of Buddha in chaste expression. Later, when the Guru (preceptor/ teacher) was equated to the Buddha, Guru was a good synonym for Buddha. In the beginning Bhagavan was the most popular form of addressing the Buddha; Sasta, that is, Guru had an intellectual or academic tone. With the growth of Tantra, grew the cult of spiritual preceptor and Sasta or Guru became a popular from for describing the Buddha, the original preceptor. It is not necessary for the present context to trace the beginnings of Tantra and digress into the several theories which profess to cancel each other. It is sufficient to note that in one form or other Tantra was known to the Indus Civilization (c.3500- 1500 B.C.) as also to the Vedic Civilization (-1500 B.C.-). Tantra was thus in existence in the Buddha’s time; it is not known in what form and to what degree the Buddha accepted it. @032 When Buddhism was split into two Vehicles (say in the first century after Christ), Mahayana had fully accepted Tantra. Nagarjuna, the discoverer of Prajnaparamitra, furnished a new philosophy for Tantra by the doctrine of Sunyata; the corpus of legends about Nagarjuna’s alchemy and magic cropped up later when the cult of Guru was in full swing. The second great figure, Asanga (c.350), was the founder of Yoga school in Buddhism. Curiously enough Tantra and Guru-cult characterized contemporary Brahmanical religion. There is positive epigraphic evidence on Saivite hagiolatry. The Mathura Inscription (c. 380) speaks of adoration of Guru, lineage of Guru and even the gallery of Guru images(16). The Devi Bhagavata-though its extant texts were composed much later-expresses the sentiments of the age of saint Asanga and scholar Amarasinha as if to corroborate the data from the Mathura Inscription. It says “The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu and the Guru is Mahesvara. Salutation to the Guru who is the real Absolute”(17). The period which witnessed the spread of Buddhism in Tibet (c.600-1100) was roughly the period when Tantra was the dominant cult in India. There was regular flow of the fresh developments from India into Tibet. In such process the quest for the right teacher was natural. Buddhist treatises on Tantra gave full sanction to such. Extracts may be made from three works of the eight century : Advayasiddhi, Jnanasiddhi and Prajnapayavinischayasiddhi. “In this world and other worlds there is none better than a Guru through whose kind offices the wise obtain so many perfections”. “The Guru is Sugata, Buddha and Dharmakaya”. “The Guru with requisite qualifications is nothing short of a ruler or a leader of the country” (18). Buddhism in Tibet begins its victorious career with Padmasam- bhava (c.750-800) and significantly in Tibet he is known as Guru Ratna or Mahaguru. Padmasambhava and Santa-rakshita ordained the first ‘Lamas’. The Tibetan word Lama corresponded to the Sanskrit word Guru and as the term Guru was not to be indiscriminately applied so the term Lama has been through centuries used in respect of a few categories of monks and priests and even lay scholars. Tibetan canonical literature based on Indian sources as well as the tracts and treatises composed by Tibetan scholars and priests bear testimony to the paramount position of the Lama. The tract on the A wakening of Supreme Bliss (bde-mchog-byungba) says “The Lama is the Buddha, the Lama is the Dharma and likewise the Lama is the Sangha” @033 (19). To Nagarjuna is attributed this formula : “Abandon offerings to all others and make your sole offerings to the Lama. When the Lama is pleased you attain the wisdom of the omniscient” (20). Milarepa (1040- 1123) begins a song on old age and death thus : “I bow at the feet of the teacher, the Buddha of the three times” (21). An ancient Tibetan proverb affirms that without the auspices of the Lama even the blessings of the Buddha do not operate(22). Sakya Lama Drags-pa-gyal-mtshan (1147-1216) enjoined that the first salutation should be to the feet of the Lama (23). Tibetan liturgy and iconography fully reflect the paramount position of the Lama. In the temples and monasteries from the Himalayas to the Altais, the image of the founder or early preceptor of the sect (Guru Rimpoche, Jo Atisa, Milarepa, Sakya Pandita or Tsong-khapa) is conspicuous. Even the most illiterate devotee knows that this practice does not suggest any slight for the Buddha because the Guru is nearer than the Buddha. Beside the more literate is conscious that there is no distinction between a Buddha and a Buddha. The Yellow Sect (dge-lugs-pa) portrayal of the Buddha-field with Tsong-khapa (1357-1419) in the centre and Siddhartha Gautama among the surroun- ding host of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas has sanctity in this sentiment. Tsong-khapa himself had enjoined (24) : whether for this life or the next one must follow the noble friend (Lama). Tsong-khapa’s disciples evinced ability to administer the temporal needs of those who sought refuge in the Lama. This role was in accord with the ideology of Byang-chub-sems-dpah (Bodhisattva). III “A hero with Bodhi-chitta takes upon himself the burden of others” (25). A Bodhisattva thus features in Tibetan imagery. It is neither possible nor necessary to attempt an adequate exposition of the doctrine of Bodhisattva within the limits of this enquiry into political theories and institutions. The stages in the his- tory of the Bodhisattva concept-from the Bodhisattva (singular) of the Jataka to the Bodhisattva (collective) on the eve of Mahayana’s migra- tion to Tibet-with its ever expanding contents and facets belong to the field of religion and philosophy (26). Facts precisely necessary for an understanding of Bodhisattva as an institution in the Samsara are culled here from the Indian context. Etymologically a Bodhisattva is an @034 Enlightenment-Being, as Gautama himself was in his numerous previous lives (Jataka aspiring for Bodhi). In Mahayana a Bodhisattva could be either celestial or terrestrial and in each category there could be many as in a way all the Bodhisattvas in different categories and grades were phantom or apparitional bodhies(Nirmanakaya) of the Absolute (Paramar- tha or Bodhi). The concept of Nirmanakaya, the Mahayana thinkers affirmed, was as old as Gautama Buddha and modern scholars do not reject this belief (27). Gopinath Kaviraj savant and seer, traces the concept to a period anterior to Gautama Buddha; he notices the usage Nirmanachitta by the founder of Samkhya (i.e. Kapila who must have been a few generations earlier than Alara Kalama) and would find the beginnings of the doctrine of ‘magical self-multiplicative power of the Supreme’ in the Rig Veda (28). The Saddharma-pundarika (composed in the first century B.C. and elaborated in the third & fourth centuries A.C.), one of the nine basic books of Mahayana and “the crown jewel of all Sutras”, present (29) a glorious pageant of the Bodhisattvas : their might and majesty and their wisdom and compassion. If the book suffers from an ubiquity of Bodhisattvas it does not manipulate barriers between terrestrials and celestials. In fact the total effect of the pageant is to awaken faith in the terrestrial Bodhisattvas. The terrestrial Bodhisattva was imma- nent with the community of believers while the celestial was trans- cendental. The Prajnaparamita (Transcendental Wisdom) in its earliest stage was a highly intellectual recipe for nihilism and quite beyond the grasp of the ordinary mind(30). In their endeavour to transform the doctrine for the highbrows and intellectuals into a religion for the masses, the master-thinkers (Acharyas) of Mahayana shifted the emphasis from Prajna (Wisdom) to Sraddha (Faith). Likewise the accent was shifted from the spiritual Conqueror (Jina) to the material Saviour (Bodhisattva). It was more desireable to awaken faith in a Bodhisattva (Manjusri, Avalo- kitesvara or Samantabhadra) than to meditate on an ethereal/hypothetic Kula (Akshobhya, Amitabha or Vairochana). And between the two Bodhisattvas (celestial and terrestrial) the one near at hand would be naturally more prized. The Manushi Bodhisattva was in fact “the ideal Man of the Maha- yana” as Edward Conze describes him (31). He could be householder or recluse; he could be reborn as a wealthy man or king. Obviously as a Nirmanakaya he could take any shape because his duties and functions would determine the choice. For preaching the Dharma the Bodhisattva would be a recluse or monk(32). The Sangha would therefore be better @035 described as the Gana of Bodhisattvas; an usage traceable in the Saddhar- mapundarika(33). The altruism of Bodhisattva found its classic exposition in Bodhicharyavatara of Santideva (8th century).–A Bodhisattva feels the joys and sorrows of others as his own; he loves and guards others as he loves and guards himself; he identifies with the poor and the lowly. A Bodhisattva’s resolve is of great use in the Samsara or material world (34). The Bodhisattvabhumi (Asanga : c. 350) enumerates the acts of common welfare expected of a Bodhisattva; these include supply of material needs of life and provision of refuge. The grant of refuge is further emphasized as one of the five constant duties of a Bodhisattva (35). Santideva’s Siksha-Samuchchaya quotes the Gandvyuha Sutra to say that the resolve of the Bodhisattva is the foundation of all material and moral good, the annihilator of all poverty and the refuge of all beings (36). Thus for the ordinary man, with ordinary intelligence and ordinary resources, the Bodhisattva could be the patron saint for their material welfare as well. In Tibet “the ideal Man of the Mahayana” became the national ideal. Santarakshita, the joint founder of the first monastery (Samye), is immortalized under the epithet “Bodhisattva as scholar”. The kings propagating the Dharma were recongnized as Bodhisattva as well as Nirmanakaya. The element of hero in a Bodhisat- tva was emphasized in translating the term from Sanskrit into Tibetan; the suffix ‘dpah’ (i.e. ‘daph-bo’ or hero) was added after ‘byang-chub- sems’ instead of a simple ‘pa’ as adjectival termination (37). One might be a great man otherwise but his popularity would be assured only if he was called a Byang-chub-sems-dpah. A Guru (Lama) could be one par excellence if he was known to be a Bodhisattva (Byang-chub-sems- dpah). Down to our times a popular honorific for Byang-chub-sems- dpah, in Central Tibet at least, is Sprul-sku (Nirmanakaya). This has been so for the simple reason that a Sprul-sku of a celestial or terrestrial Being was by and large “the ideal Man of the Mahayana”, the Saviour for this world and/ or the other world. The Lama as the custodian of the script, the organizer of schools, the master of occult and the adviser of the king could no doubt be the Bodhisattva for the entire community in times of distress. Besides the layman could come very near ‘the house of Lamas’ (bla-brang) as much because of the socio-economic climate of Tibet(38) as for the needs of firm propagation; there was no distance between the monks and common men as was in India or in a Theravada country to-day. Thus in times of distress refuge in the Bodhisattva-gana, the Blamahi-brang, was in the logic of history. @036 IV May Lokesvara protect you as he sits, surrounded by his mass of rays, on Mount Potalaka, which echoes with the roar of its deep caves; who thus is like the moon within the mass of waves churned in the Sea of Milk by the mountain Mandara, whirling with heavy roar and unwavering because of its great speed Jnanasrimitra(39) This verse composed in Bengal around 1050 could have been a typical reflex of Tibetan mind in 1650 when the Great Fifth incarnation of Avalokitesvara (spyan-ras-gzigs) “looked down from on high” the soaring palace-temple on Marpo Ri (Red Hill) which he called Potala. In the Mahayana pantheon as fully developed in India and followed later in Tibet and Mongolia, also China and Japan, Avalokitesvara is the protector and savior of all living beings : the lord and sovereign of this suffering world. Yet his origin is obscure; Har Dayal and Edward Conze find Magi and Mithra elements in the conception (40). However the basic Mahayana Sutra, the Saddharmapundarika, in the concluding chap- ters, depict Avalokitesvara in no uncertain light. He is decidedly a prominent Bodhisattva though he has to share this prominence with Manjusri. A full chapter (XXIV) is devoted to Avalokitesvara and his powers and capabilities. Faced with any mortal danger-fire or water, monster or demon, fall from precipice or hit with thunderbolt, host of armed enemies or swords of executioners, witchcraft or fell disease-the afflicted on mere invocation will be rescued by Avalokites- vara. Positive boon like a child to childless can likewise be obtained from Avalokitesvara. He can infallibly eradicate all mundane sufferings (41). His compassion is not a passive virtue or static quality; his is an active personality, full of dynamism; he is “unwavering because of great speed” to use the words of Jnanasrimitra. To the afflicted mortals he is the jewel of the Bodhisattvas : he is the Sangha (Bodhisattva-Gana) Ratna. In the early Mahayana eight Bodhisattvas are prominent viz. Manjusri, Vajrapani, Avalokitesvara, Kshitigarbha, Sarvanivaranavishkambhin, Aka- sagarbha, Maitreya and Samantabhadra. These are “a group of equal rank. Perhaps Manjusri is regarded as primus inter pares. In the later Mahayana the oligarchy is changed into an absolute monarchy. Avalokitesvara is @037 first and the rest nowhere. He absorbs all the virtues, powers, functions and prerogatives of the other Bodhisattvas, because he is the Lord of Mercy. He occupies the supreme position in the Universe and reigns without a rival”. Har Dayal (42). The grandeur of Avalokitesvara is depicted in Avalokitesvara- gunakarnada-vyuha (abbr. Karandavyuha) : the detailed description of the basket of the qualities of Avalokitesvara. Its first composition dates con- siderably earlier than the fourth century while the complete extant text (43) perhaps belongs to the seventh century. Its scheme is the glorifica- tion of the compassionate and mighty redeemer Avalokitesvara and is punctuated with his many exploits of rescue. The historic value of the Karandavyuha however lies in the exposition of the Six Mystic Syllables: OM MANI PADME HUM which Avalokitesvara the creater of the world donated to the world(44). In Tibet (and other Lamaist countries) OM MANI PADME HUM symbolizes the Dharma and even the formula about the origin of all objects, YE DHARMA HETU PRABHAVA, takes a second place. In Tibetan legend Avalokitesvara in his compassion took the shape of a monkey and begot the Tibetan race. (i.e. mankind). The ubiquitous notice of the Six Mystic Syllables-on rocks and boulders, stupas and temples, prayer wheels and altars-is, in the present writer’s observation, a thanksgiving for the precious gift of human life, an opportunity for working towards Buddhahood. Besides the legend is a reminder to modern science that a millennium before Charles Darwin, the Tibetan intuition grappled with the doctrines of ‘natural selection’ and ‘survival of the fittest’. As the begetter of the Tibetan race Spyan-ras-gzigs was naturally thought of as its protecting deity. The first great king Srong-btsan- sgampo (c.605-650) was recognized as the Sprul-sku (Nirmanakaya) of the Father of the People while his scholar-minister Thonmi Sambhota was found to be Hjam-dpal (Manjusri). Only two of the great king’s successors were found to be Sprul-sku of the same. The incarnation of Spyan-ras-gzigs, the topmost of ninety one Byang-chub-sem-dpah, could not be a routine affair and his mortal forms were few and far bet- ween. The tradition about Spyan-ras-gzigs however grew from stren- gth to strength. In their adoration for the Founder and Protector, the Tibetans moved towards the summit of monotheism (and not mere henotheism with myriads of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dharmapalas etc) when they described Spyan-ras-gzigs as the Sole God of the Land of Snow (45). Indian reformer Atisa and his Tibetan disciple Hbrom-ston (1003-1064) reckoned with this spirit and enumerated the four Mgon-skyabs (Lords of @038 Refuge) thus : Gautama Buddha, merciful Avalokitesvara, goddess Tara and guardian of faith Achala (46). The three royal patrons of Dharma-Srong-btsan-sgam-po, Khri-srong-lde-btsan and Ral-pa-chen-were incarnations of Sypan-ras- gzigs and the next was Hbrom-ston himself. The traditions, recorded in successive centuries, agree on these four names. The next name unani- mously agreed in different traditions is that of Sa-chen Kungah-snyngpo (1092-1158). There was no attempt in any particular lineage (monar- chical or monastic) to have the incarnation to themselves (47). The followers of Tsong-khapa (1357-1419) made the bold bid and got approval of all Tibetans to fourteen successive Sprul-skus of the Sole God of Tibet : Dge-hdun-grub (1391-1475) to Bstan-hzin Rgya-mtsho (b. 1935). V “Lord, Thou art the most excellent Refuge to go for” Dam-chos-padma-dkar-po When the hierarch of the Yellow Sect was accepted by people of all Sects as the incarnation of the Sole God of Tibet, the hierarch’s title to the sole kingship or monistic sovereignty was a foregone conclu- sion, particularly because the other Sects did not accept the reforms in- traduced by Tsong-kha-pa and his two disciples. Loyalty to the Dalai Lama(48) was in expectation to the topmost Bodhisattva who could protect against sufferings of this world and in gratitude to the Father of of the People; this would not demand surrender of doctrinal sentiments. The two greats, Fifth and Thirteenth Dalai Lamas, far from supporting the Yellow Sect bigotry (which included suppression and forcible con- version of Old Sect monasteries), tolerated the Old Sect teachings and even drew upon these teachings(49). Thus for other Sects the Sole God was above the Established Church. The Dalai Lama was the silken tie which held together the different Sects and the dispersed areas.The plenitude potestatis of the Dalai Lama rested on the popular obedience while the potestas limitata of the Heavenly Kingdom (Dgah-Idan-pho- brang) originated in the Established Church(50). Each of the roles BLA-MA,BYANG-CHUB-SEMS-DPAH and SPYAN-RAS-GZIGS had sanction for exercise of temporal authority and the three roles combined in the hierarch of Yellow Sect could render him the Rex in Western expression. But the monks of Ganden, Drespung and Sera had the genius to seek the raison d’etre of political power in the fundamentals of the Dharma. They traced this back to the earliest teachings known and accepted over the entire Buddhist world in both Vehicles. They designated their hierarch as SKYABS- @039 MGON. From the very beginning the grant of Skyabs (Skt. Sarana) has been the right as well as the obligation of Mgon (Skt. Natha). As the Tibetan rendering of the Saddharmapundarika quotes a devotee add- ressing the Buddha: “Mgon-po, Thou art the most excellent Skyabs” (51). The Buddha had offered, as the Sakya Lama (Chos-rgyal-hphags-pa 1235- 1280) put it, “Skyabs to one who has no Mgon” (52). Through parables and prophecies the Buddha had promised appearance at the end of the world or in time of distress(53), not unlike that in the in the Bhagavadgita(54). When Righteousness Declines, O Bharata ! When Wickedness Is strong, I rise, from age to age, and take Visible shape, and move a man with men, Succouring the good, thrusting the evil back, And setting Virtue on her seat again. (Edwin Arnold’s tran. in verse) Such appearance (Nirmanakaya or Sprul-sku) was never so badly needed as in times of anarchy. The kingdom built by Srong-btsan-sgam-po (c.605-650)came to an end with the assassination of the apostate Glang-darma (c.842). A process of slow but steady disintegration set in. There was no cen- tral power and the rise and fall of numerous principalities did not make for peace and security for the people. The native chronicles are as con- fused as the events for three centuries and a half (c.850-1200). Two facts stand out clearly. First, after a period of stagnation the Dharma made a full resurgence, a renascence, with Atisa’s propagation (1042- 1054). Second, both for their own protection as well as for that of their ‘parish’ the abbots of different sects began building monasteries; two sects, Kargyu and Sakya, did well. In grandeur and authority they soon superseded and replaced the castles of the pastoral and nomadic lords. People oppressed by the decadent aristocrats or the rising brigands came for refuge to their respective monasteries and the abbots did not disa- point them. The rule of the Sakya Lamas or that of the Kargyu Lamas (and Phag-mo-gru-pas) needs no narration here (55). The Lama rulers of the thirteenth century and following saved Tibet from Mongol atrocities while all countries and peoples from Sarai (Volgograd) to Khanbalyk (Peking) had experienced these. Be it their mastery of occult or the impact of their Dharma on the eclectic Mongol mind, the saviours had proved their statesmanship; the Bodhisattva as statesman became the the Rajaguru (Tisri or Bakshi) of the most warlike dynasty on record in Asia and Europe. The Sword of Transcendental Knowledge-the Sakya Lamas were in the lineage of Manjusri-brought down the Sword of @040 naked power. The Adamantine Thunderbolt-the Kargyu Lamas were in the lineage of Vajradhara-calmed down the thunder from Altai-Kara- korum. The Lamas not only saved Tibet from invasions; they made Tibet a first-class power of the day. The titles of these Lamas, who organized full refuge from internal disorder and external aggression, are of direct interest in the the present discussion. A Lama ruler would ipso-facto be Chos-rgyal (Dharmaraja) and was so in fact and form. To the devotees in general a Lama ruler was Mgon-skyabs (Lord of Refuge) in both temporal and spiritual sense. These Lamas themselves did not use the epithet Mgon- skyabs or Skyabs-mgon for reasons not clear today. In oral tradition down to our day the devotees are known to have called them so. In correspondence addressed to the Sakya hierarch down to our day the title Skyabs-mgon has been customary (56). Thus when the Yellow Sect rose into political ascendancy, from the Third Incarnation Bsonam Rgya-mtsho onwards, Skyabs-mgon was in current usage. If the Great Fifth made official use of the title, it was only appropriate for Spyan-ras-gzig: the Sole God and Protector of Tibet. The Dalai Lama was indeed the Skyabs-mgon par excellence (57). @041 NOTES 0.It is necessary to mention several theories and controveries if only to affirm that these theories do not affect the historicity or sequence of the events as narrated in this paper. The various dates for Saddharmapundarika (chs I-XX) are first century B.C., first century A.C. and second century A.C. The later chapters (XXI-XXVII) are dated fourth century to sixth century. Karandavyuha was composed between fourth and seventh centuries. Nagarjuna’s dates range from 58 B.C. to 150 A.C. Asanga is dated between 350 and 450 A.C.; definitely after Nagarjuna as in Tibetan tradition also. Thomi Sambhota was not the first to introduce Indic script into Tibet. It is even suggested (Roy Andrew Miller) that Thomi is a fic- titious figure. (Fact remains that adaptation of Indic script was fina- lized in the seventh century and if Srong-btsan-sgam-po had a scholarly minister the latter was apotheosized as Manjusri). No epigraphic or contemporary evidence is available so far to vouch for the usage Lama (bla-ma) in the seventh century and even in the eighth. In the beginning the word used was Ban-de, Slob-dpon, Rab- byung or Mkhan-po. (The terminology does not affect the role and status of Guru). The treatises Mani-bkah-hbum (attributed to seventh century) and Padma-bkah-thang (attributed to eighth century) were padded with later events, prophesies etc. till the seventeenth century. (This paper sums up the position till 1650.) Likewise Bkah-gdams-pha-chos and Bkah-gdams-bu-chos attributed to Atisa and his disciples were enlarged through centuries. (Narrative in this paper guards against anachronism.) Giuseppe Tucci: Tibetan Painted Scrolls (Rome 1949) discusses the traditions of Tibetan literature. 1.Military Report on Tibet (Calcutta 1910) lists (p.115) the titles thus: Kyamgon Rimpoche, Gyalwa Rimpoche, Buk Lama and Kyam- gon Buk. Who’s who in Tibet (Calcutta 1938) lists (p.1) thus: Gyawa @042 Rimpoche, Kyamgon Rimpoche or Kundun. My own impression is that during the Regency, when there was no Dalai Lama functioning, the title Gya(l)wa Rimpoche was in greater use. Libing Athing Sonam Tobden confirms this. 2.Charles Bell: Portrait of the Dalai Lama (London 1946), p.34. 3.Reproduced in The Boundary Question between China and Tibet (Peking 1940), pp.1-4. 4.English translation of the petition and the Dalai Lama’s replywill be found in Bell: op.cit pp 377-382##. will be found in Bell: op.cit pp 377-382. ##No.5 & 6 Tibet Text## 7. uttiSThata jAgrata prApya varAnnibodhata | kSurasya dhArA nizitA duratyayA durgaM pathastatkavayo vadanti || kaTha 1, 3: 14 parIkSya lokAn karmacitAn brAhmaNo nirvedamAyAnnAstyakRta: kRtena | tadvijJAnArthaM sa gurumevAbhigacchet samitpANi: zrotriyaM brahmaniSTham || muNDaka 1, 2 12: mAtRdevo bhava, pitRdevo bhava, AcAryadevo bhava, atithidevo bhava, yAni anavadyAni karmANi tAni sevitavyAni, no itarANi, yAni asmAkaM sucaritAni tAni tvayopAsyAni, no itarANi || taittirIya 1,11:2 yasya deve parA bhaktiryathA deve tathA gurau | tasyaite kathitA hyarthA:, parkAzante mahAtmana:, parkAzante mahAtmana: || zveMtAzvatara 6, 23 8. ##Nalinaksha Dutt : Early Monastic Buddhism (Calcutta 1960), p.24. 9. Arthur Macdonell’s edition (Harvard Oriental Series)- Acharya ii, 132, 136 & 143; iv, 138; v, 39; vi, 9; & vii, 90. Guru iii, 142; iv, 60;, v, 103 & 139; & vi, 35. 10. For Acharya/Upadhaya/Guru (different persons) Kane : History of Dharmasastra ##(Poona 1930-62), Vol II: Pt 1, pp. 322-4 and Vol IV, p.24 may be seen.## @043 Sabdakalpadruma (Radhakanta Deva) quotes Kurnma PuranA#- guruvargo yathA, - upAdhyAya: pitA jyeSThebhrAtA caiva mahIpati: | mAtula: zvazurastrAtA mAtAmahapitAmahau || bandhujyaSTha: pitRvyazca puMsyete gurava: smRtA: | mAtAmahI mAtulAnI tathA mAtuzca sodarA: || zvazrU: pitAmahI jyeSThA dhAtrI ca gurava: strISu | ityukto guruvargo’yaM mAtRta: pitRta: dvijA: || gurUNAJcaiva sarveSAM pUjyA: paJca vizeSata: | teSAmAdyAstraya: zreSThAsteSAM mAtA supUjitA || yo bhAvayati yA sUte yena vidyopadizyate | jyeSThabhrAtA ca bharttA ca paJcaite gurava: smRtA: || nAsti pitRsamo devo nAsti mAtRsamo guru: | tayo: pratyupakAro’pi na kathaJcana vidyate | mAlulAMzca pitRvyAMzca zvazurAnRtvijo gurUn || asAvahamiti vruyu pratyutthAya yavIyasa: | kUrmmapurANe upavibhAge 11 adhyAya: || 11. ##K.P. Jayaswal : Hindi Polity (Calcutta 1924 – Bangalore 1943) and A.K. Coomaraswamy : Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power in the Indian Theory of Government (New Haven 1942). For an objective view see U.N.Ghoshal: Studies in Indian History and Culture (Calcutta 1965) pp 211-236. A description of the ritual is in J.C. Heesterman : The Ancient Indian Royal Consecration (The Hague : 1957)##. 12. brahma vA idamagra AsIdekameva tadekaM sanna vyabhavat | tacchreyorUpamatyasRjata kSatraM yAnyetAni devatrA kSatrANIndro varuNa: somo rudra: paryanyo yamo mRtyurIzAna iti | tasmAt kSatrAtparaM nAsti tasmAdbrAhmaNa: kSatriyamadhastAdupAste rAjasUye kSatra eva tadyazo dadhAti saiSA kSatrasya yoniryadbrahma || bRhadAraNyaka 1, 4: 11 ##Political ascendancy of the priestly houses can be noticed in Vedic society. Arthur Berriedale Keith: The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads (Harvard Oriental Series), pp 223-230 & 289-99. Aslo Macdonell : Vedic Index, entry on Purohita. 13. For the disciplines Gautama learned from Alara Kalama and Rudraka Ramaputra see Dutt: Early Monastic Buddhism, p.88. Radha- Krishnan sums up the situation thus: “He possibly learned from them the need for belief, good conduct, and the practice of meditation, though the content of their teaching seemed to him unsound”. The Dhamma- pada (London 1950-), Introduction, p.7.## @044 14. na me Acariyo atthi, sadiso me na vijjati | sadevakasmiM lokasmiM, natthi me paTipuggalo || majjhimanikAyo; dhammacakkapavattana | 15. deva-manuSyANAM zAstA | 16. ##The inscription as read by Devadatta Ramakrishna Bhandarkar is reproduced in Epigraphic Indica, Vol. XXI.## 17. gururbrahmA gururviSNurgururdevomahezvara: | gurureva paraM brahma tasmai zrIgurave nama: || devIbhAgavata | ##Present study is about impact of Dharma on the temporal milieu. No aspersion on the merits and needs of the institution (Guru) is meant. The most democratic religious movement in India (Sikh) accepted this institution in the preparatory stage. When Gandhi addressed Tagore as Gurudeva it was certainly not a left-handed compliment.## 18. AcAryAt paratarannAsti trailokye sacarAcare | yasya prasAdAt prApyante siddhayo’nekadhA budhai: || ##Advayasiddhi cited in Benoytosh Bhattacharyya : Sadhanamala (Gaekwad Oriental Series), Vol II p. Lvi fn.## namaste zUnyatAgarbha sarvasaGkalpavarjita | sarvajJa jJAnasandoha jJAnamUrtte namo'stu te ||9|| jagadajJAnavicchedizuddhatattvArthadezaka | dharmanairAtmyasambhUta vajrasattva namo'stu te ||10|| sambuddhA bodhisattvAzca [tvatta:] pAramitAguNA: | sambhavanti sadA nAtha bodhicitta namo’stu te ||11|| ratnatrayaM mahAyAnaM tvatta: sthAvarajaGgamam | traidhAtukamidaM sarvaM jagadvIra namo’stu te ||12|| cintAmaNirivAdbhuta jagadiSTArthasiddvaye | sugatAjJAkara zrIman buddhaputra namo'stu te ||13|| jJAtaM me’nuttaraM tattvaM prasAdAt te guNArNava | vajrAbhiSekaM sarvajJa prasAdaM kuru sAmpratam ||14|| rahasyaM sarvabuddhAnAM darzitaM dharmavajriNA | yathA zrIcittavajreNa tathA nAtha prasIda me ||15|| bhavatpAdAmbuje tyaktvA nAnyA me vidyate gati: | tasmAt kuru dayAnAtha saMsAragatinirjita ||16|| prajJopAyavinizcayasiddhi; tRtIyapariccheda guruprasAdo yasyAsti sa labhet tattvamuttamam | anyathA klizyate bAla: cirakAlavimohita: ||23|| @045 gururbuddho bhavet dharma: saGghazcApi saeva hi | prasAdAt jJAyate tasya yasya ratnatrayaM varam ||24|| ajJAnatimirAndhAnAmeSa mArgapradarzaka: | sa bhavet sarvasaukhyAgraya: sarvakAmapradAyaka: ||25|| dharmagambhIraniSThAtmA viviktakaruNAtmaka: | ratnatrayapratiSThArthI dharmadAne nirAmiSa: ||26|| sa guru: ziSyasadgrAhI sarvabuddhAnukAraka: | ityuvAca jagannAtho nAnye vai gurava: smRtA: ||27|| yasmAnna tatsamo hyasti pUjanIyo mahAmuni: | tasmAt sarvaprayatnana pUjayedguruvaraM vratI ||28|| jJAnasiddhi; prathamapariccheda | ratnatrayeSu buddhAtmA kRpAvAn sarvajantuSu | tyAgAdisaMyato dhIra: sarvapuNyamahodaya: ||9|| bodhicittasamutpanna: prasanno guNavAn sudhI: | akrodhano mahotsAhA dharmmagambhIranizcaya: ||10|| sayuktikaM dharmadAnaM nirA[bhA]saM sadA matam | alpecchatA sadA tasya sambhAradvayasambhRta: ||11|| gurureSa samAkhyAta: sarvabuddhai: savajribhi: | sa eva sarvasattvAnAM zAsako lokanAyaka: ||12|| jJAnasiddhi; trayodazapariccheda | ##prajnopayavinischayasiddhi and jnanasiddhi are reproduced in Benoytosh Bhattacharyya : Two VajrayAna Works (Gaekwad Oriental Series). For similar sentiments in Brahmanical Tantra, John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon) : Principles of Tantra (Madras 1960), chs XIII & XIV and Intro- duction to Tantra Sastra (Madras 1956),pp 65-67 may be seen. For the sublime aspects of Guru see also Max Arthur Macauliffe: The Sikh Religion (Oxford 1909). No.19 to 20(Tibet Text @046 21. ##Humphrey Clarke : The Message of Milarepa (London 1958), p.102.## ##No.22 to 25(Tibet Text) 26.Nalinaksha Dutt: Aspects of Mahayana Buddhism and its relation to Hinayana (London 1930) remains the standard authority on Mayahana as a whole and on several issues. Har Dayal : The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature (London 1932) covers the subject of Bodhisattva. T. R. V. Murti : The Central Philosophy of Buddhism (London 1955) provides an excellent comparative study. 27. Nalinaksha Dutt: Aspects of Mahayana etc, pp. 96-117. See also Edward Conze : Buddhist Thought in India (London 1962), pp. 172 & 232. Lama Anagarika Govinda : Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism (London 1959), pp. 216, 221-24 expounds the Tantric approach. 28. Gopinath Kaviraj: Aspects of Indian Thought (Burdwan University 1966), pp. 137-47. This subject is involved with another ‘parallel @047 development’ in Brahmanism and Buddhism : Atman and Tathagatagar- bha. Considerations of space forbid any attempt to present the findings of Suzuki, Conze and Gokhale. 29. A standard English translation is by Kern in The Sacred Books of the East.Nalinaksha Dutt (and Mironov) edition of the text (Biblio- theca Indica, Calcutta) is followed in this paper. 30. In this paragraph I generally follow the analysis and chronology of Edward Conze : The Development of Prajna paramita Thought in Buddhism and Culture (Suzuki Ninetieth Birthday Volume 1960) and The Praj- naparamita Literature (The Hague 1960). The accent on Manushi Bodhisattva is my own. 31. Edward Conze : Buddhism Its Essence and Development (Oxford 1951/53 etc), p 125. 32. Saddharmapundarika, ch I, verses 13-43 33. Saddharmapundarika, ch IX, lines preceding verse 12; ch XIV, para two; ch XX, para three.## 34. bodhipraNidhicittasya saMsAre’pi phalaM mahat | bodhicaryAvatAra, 1; 17 anAthAnAmahaM nAtha: sArthavAhazca yAyinAM | pArepsUnAM ca naubhUta: setu: saGkarma eva ca || bodhicaryAvatAra; 3; 17 hInAdiSvAtmatAM kRtvA paratvamapi cAtmani | bhAvayerSyAM ca mAnaM ca nirvikalpyena cetasA || bodhicaryAvatAra; 8; 140 jagadvyAdhiprazamanaM bhaiSajyamidamuttamaM | bhavAdhvabhramaNazrAnto jagadvizrAmapAdapa: || durgatyuttaraNe setu: sAmAnya sarvayAyinAM | jagatklezoSmazamana uditazcittacandramA: || bodhicaryAvatAra, 3; 29-30 35. anAthAnAM ca du:khitAnAM kRpaNAnAmapratizaraNAnAM sanAthakriyayA | anAtheSu sattveSu [du:khiteSu ca] apratizaraNeSu sanAthakriyA | bodhisattvabhUmi | ##Nalinaksha Dutt’s edition (Jayaswal Research Institute Series), pp. 194 & 197.## 36.tathAryagaNDavyUhasUtre’pi varNitaM | bodhicittaM hi kulaputra vAjabhUtaM sarvabuddhadharmANAM | kSetrabhUtaM sarvajagacchulkadharmavirohaNatayA | dharaNibhUtaM sarvalokapratizaraNatayA @048 yAvatpitRbhUtaM sarvabodhisattvArakSaNatayA “peyAlaM || vaizravaNabhUtaM sarvadAri- drayasaMchedanatayA | cintAmaNirAjabhUtaM sarvArthasaMsAdhanatayA | bhadraghaTabhUtaM sarvA- bhiprAyaparipUraNatayA | zaktibhUtaM klezazatruvijayAya |... ... ... .. .. .. iti hi kulaputra bodhicittamebhizcAnyaizcApramANairguNavizeSai: samanvAgatamiti || zikSAsamuccaya | ##Bendall’sedition (Bibliotheca Buddhica, Petrograd/The Hague), pp 5-6. 37. “The hero as Bodhisattva” would be the appropriate English form for Tibetan expression Byang-chub-sems-dpah. A Tibetan dissertation on Heroes and Hero-Worship would be on the hero par excellence: Bodhisa- ttva. 38. This question of the Tibetan ecology and Mahayana is under detailed study elsewhere. 39. English translation is that of Daniel H.H. Ingalls: An Anthology of Sanskrit Court Poetry (Harvard Oriental Series), p.64. The original text, read by Kosambi & Gokhale, is in Subhasitaratnakosa (Harvard Oriental Series).## atyudgADharayasthirAkRtighanadhvAnabhramanmandara- kSubdhakSAradhivIcisaMcayagataprAmeyapAdopama: | zrImatpotalake gabhIravivRtidhvAnapratidhvAnite sAndrasvAMzucayazriyA valayito lokezvara: pAtu va: ||3|| lokezvaravrajyA; jJAnazrImitra | 40. ##Har Dayal: Bodhisattva Doctrine (cited under Note 26), p.48 and Edward Conze: Buddhism (cited under Note 31), p. 147. Benoytosh Bhattacharyya : Indian Buddhist Iconography (Calcutta 1958), p.143 traces the concept to Asoka’s time. 41. Saddharmapundarika ch XXIV particularly the verses at the end. Verse 25 sums up Avalokitesvara as saviour, refuge and recourse in death disaster and calamity. 42. Pp. 45-46. Mahavyutpatti lists 91 Bodhisattvas with Avalokite- svara as topmost His numerous forms (including a set of 108 as in Nepal) and his two popular forms (4-handed as the jewel of the Sangha and 11-headed as the Great Compassion) express the paramountcy of Avalokitesvara. For these forms see Bhattacharyya : op. cit, Walter Clark : Two Lamaistic Pantheons (Harvard 1937/New York 1965) and Alice Getty : Gods of Northern Buddhism (Oxford 1928/ Tokyo 1962.) @049 43. Satyabrata Samasrami ed: Karandavyuha (Calcutta 1873). 44. Edward J. Thomas: The History of Buddhist Thought (London 1951), pp.187-94 gives a brief account in English. No. 45 & 46 (Tibet Text)## 47. The different traditions recording the lineage of Spyan-ras- gzigs are found in Bkah-gdams-pha-chos, Lnga-pa-chen-pohi-mdzad-rnam, Klong-rdoI gsung hbum etc. Giuseppe Tucci : Tibetan Painted Scrolls, Vol I may be seen. Sarat Chandra Das in Indian Pandits in the Land of Snow (Calcutta 1893/1965) presents the current (1880-90) Gelugpa version of Atisa having inspired and Hbrom-ston having founded the GrandHierarchy (i.e. the lineage of the Dalai Lamas). For a detailed exposition of the lineage of Spyan-ras-gzig down to Dalai Lama VII as in a set of painted scrolls from Peking, see Toni Schmid: Saviours of Mankind (Stockholm 1961). 48. ‘Loyalty to the Dalai Lama’ is the subject matter of an elaborate study shortly. It is not capable of presentation within the limits of this paper. Besides brevity is ruled out when ideas and institutions of one language (Tibetan) are expressed in another (English). For a sa- tisfactory account of “The Dalai Lama : His function, his associates and his birth” Marco Palls had to resort to Sanskrit, Tibetan, Greek and Latin coinage in his The Way and the Mountain (London 1960). It may be noted here that the Tibetan loyalty to the Dalai Lama is deeper–though different in quality–than loyalty to the national emblem in modern (Western) sense. It is not to be confused with the personality cult which a modern nation sports today. 49. This is little recognized by even the Tibetologists. Helmut Hoffmann in The Religions of Tibet (London 1961) is an exception; he makes clear reference to Dalai Lama V’s deep interest in Old Sect teachings, pp. 173-4. I have it on the authority of several trustworthy monks and scholars in Central Tibet that Dalai Lama XIII, inspite of the @050 puritan Pha-bong-kha, was most deeply tolerant of Old Sect-teachings. This is confirmed by Denzong Gyalyum Kunzang Dechen Tshomo, a daughter of the ancient Ragasha House and a considerable scholar her- self. During my sojourn in Central Tibet twelve years ago I learned that the present Dalai Lama (XIV) and the present Karmapa Lama (XVI) had made such friendly relations which reduced the ancient tension between the Gelugpa and the Kargyupa. (The Karmapa lineage began in 1110) while the Gelugpa in 1391.) 50. There is a danger in using the terminology of Roman Law in- connexion with a medieval Asian society as I have shown in Tibet : Considerations on Inner Asian History (Calcutta 1967), pp. 19-25. A few Latin expressions are used now with confidence in their suitability. The Dalai Lama enjoyed absolute homage and allegiance, a plenitude of powers which it would be sacrilege for a Tibetan to define. The government called the Heavenly Kingdom had somewhat limited powers arising from (a) several instruments of executive working as checks and balances and (b) its fundamental weakness of being a Gelugpa orien- ted “Central Tibet” government. Loyalty to the Dalai Lama as distinct from loyalty to the Heavenly Kingdom may be illustrated from the Khampa attitude. It is well known that the tribes of Khams were not law abiding. What is not so well known is that they were not loyal or submissive to the Heavenly Kingdom and its agents. While the Khampas had no compunction in robbing the Lhasa gentry and bureaucrats besides re- fusing to pay taxes, their anxiety to send offerings to the Dalai Lama or to restore robbed baggage found to be Dalai Lama’s has gone into legend. The Chinese (Manchu and Republican) drive to the west and consequent expansion of Inner Tibet (Chinese. Tibet) were possible because of the Heavenly Kingdom’s loose hold over Khams, where large blocs of Old Sect believers lived. Khampa nationalist reforms progra- mmes involving both Old Sects and Gelug had early support from the Chinese; this made the Chinese Liberation of Khams easy. George Patterson: Tibet in Revolt (London 1960) gives some interesting details. When the Khampas realized that the Liberation would be completed with the end of their Dharma and Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, they did not wait for the word from the Heavenly Kingdom. The Khampa revolt (1956-59) was a typical Khampa affair. They crowned their movement with the escorting of the Incarnation into safety (March 1959) and several in the escort party returned to fight and die in typical Khampa fashion. @051 The Dalai Lama’s Flight is rightly prized as aremarkable feat of bravery and organization. The Khampas did it with “tears, blood and sweat”. Their loyalty to the Dalai Lama was in inverse ratio to their submission to the Heavenly Kingdom. No. 51 & 52 [Tibet Text]## 53. bhagavA etadavoca-“idha, mahArAja, tathAgato loke uppajjati arahaM, sammA- sambuddho, vijjAcaraNasampanno, sugato, lokavidU, anuttaro, purisadammasArathi, satthA devamanussAnaM, buddho, bhagavA | so imaM lokaM sadevakaM samArakaM sabrahmakaM sassamaNabrAhmaNiM pajaM sadevamanussaM sayaM abhiJJA sacchikatvA pavedeti | so dhammaM deseti AdikalyANaM majjhekalyANaM pariyosAnakalyANaM sAtthaM sabyaJjanaM, kevalaparipuNNaM parisuddhaM brahmacariyaM pakAseti | dIghanikAyo; paNItatarasAmaJJaphalaM | tadanu yena zAkyamunitathAgatAdirUpeNAsaMsAraM sarvalokadhAtuSu sattvAnAM samIhitamarthaM samaGkarotyasau kAya:prabandhatayA’nuparato nairmANiko buddhasya bhagavata: sarvabAlajanasAdhAraNa- zcaturtho’vasAtavya: | tathA coktam | karoti yena citrANi hitAni jagata: samam | AbhavAtso’nupacchinna: kAyo nairmANiko mune: ||33|| haribhadraracita abhisamayAlaGkArAloka | pR :532 ##The extract is made from Giuseppe Tucci’s edition (Gaekwad Oriental Series). Haribhadra is dated in the eight century by Haraprasad Shastri and in the tenth century by Maurice Winternitz.## 54. yadA yadA hi dharmasya glAnirbhavati bhArata | abhyutthAnam adharmasya tadA’tmAnaM sRjAmyaham ||7|| paritrANAya sAdhUnAM vinAzAya ca duSkRtAm | dharmasaMsthApanArthAya saMbhavAmi yuge yuge ||8|| bhagavadgItA, caturthaadhyAya | 55. ##Giuseppe Tucci : Tibetan Painted Scrolls, Vol I; and Hugh Richard- son : The Karmapa Sect in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1958-59 may be seen. The only Mongol invasion (1240) was a petty raid in comparison with invasion elsewhere. 56. See the model letter for Sakya Gongma on page 69 in Tharchin (ed.): Letter Writers, Kalon Shadra & Kadrong Nornang (Kalimpong, 1956). 57. The people of Inner Mongolia called the Dalai Lama Skyabs- mgon Mchog perhaps to distinguish him from others (like Panchen or Sakya) also called Skyabs-mgon.